We’re back… and we thought we’d kick things off with a little Rascal update.
Day 1 – Rascal is Born
As many of you may recall, Rascal came to us April 5th after being rejected by her mother. Mom was a mustang living at a sanctuary in Northern California who left Rascal in poor condition. However, being the little fighter that she is, Rascal survived the few hour journey from the sanctuary to Reno where we met to pick her up. From there we b-lined it to Loomis Basin Equine Medical Center because she was in such poor shape and couldn’t get up on her own, another couple hours in the truck.
After brief evaluation and bloodwork, we learned she was more sick than initially thought. She was suffering from severe selenium deficiency, which causes white muscle disease, and her kidneys were compromised. We pondered euthanasia, but the little spirit in her eye said she wanted to live. The docs felt she had a decent chance for survival, so we decided to fight the fight with her and give her the chance to live. We are enormously grateful to our supporters for helping make this happen because it was a big financial commitment. So we fought the fight. As a result of the white muscle disease, she was unable stand on her own or even swallow. During her time at LBEMC, in ICU, she he was dawning a feeding tube, oxygen tube, and an IV. While at the clinic she was on a two hour feeding schedule and the techs had to help her to her feet with each feeding. Shortly after arrival, it was discovered that she also had an umbilical hernia, which later became infected.
Initially, it was estimated that she would need to stay five days. As days went by, she showed steady improvement although in baby step style. By day 12 or 13, as hospitalization costs were escalating, we elected bring her back to AAE, to continue her recovery. Once back at AAE we continued the round the clock feedings, each time lifting little Rascal to her feet. Holli, our favorite canine volunteer, took the first shift!
Day 26 was the day we’d all been waiting for; SHE STOOD UP ON HER OWN!! (click here for video)
The next hurdle was an intestinal bacteria which came and went and came back again.
Not long after came the diarrhea from hell. Her stall was often wet and beyond stinky. In fact, there were days her stall looked like a round of paint ball had just been played. As if all this wasn’t enough, her umbilical hernia was growing. But we had to wait to fix that until the intestinal situation was under control.
On day 78, her hernia repair was completed and she was on her way back to AAE to recover.
Here she is today, day 106. Despite still being on stall rest following her hernia repair surgery, she is spunky as ever and has a zest for life like no other!
Much of her success of course comes from her strong, fighting spirit. However, so much of it also comes from all of you. To those that sent well-wishes and prayers, shared her story, helped with veterinary costs, and volunteered your time…THANK YOU for your part in her journey. I’m sure you’re as excited as we are to see what her future holds!
AAE is committed to providing each horse we rescue the best possible care. This is made possible only through the generous support and financial donations of our caring donors. Please consider donating to help All About Equine continue its mission.
Beautiful heartwarming story! A testimony to the love and dedication of those supporting AAE. Here’s to a bright future for Rascal!