October through January is my favorite time of the year. And the main reason for that is the holidays! And the colder weather.

But with the holidays comes stress. Stress about family, stress about food, stress about leaving. And so my last day in Colorado before flying home, I spent a couple hours at the barn doing my favorite thing. Dressing up Dayton!

Of course I needed to take some Christmas photos and you all know I love making him look ridiculous and so adorably cute.

He was a saint about my shenanigans and put up with all the decorations I made him wear. And how perfect is it that we got snow?! So I am sure, he was glad to be rid of me by the time I left. I know these two weeks will fly by and I’ll be back with him soon.

I also finally got my Halloween photos finished so I have a couple more photos of Dayton dress up for you all to laugh at.

It was a completely last minute thing and I had no idea what to do, so I was a warrior princess and he was my trusty steed. The “armor” is cardboard with glitter tape and ribbon haha.
Just fulfilling my little girl fantasies over here…

Anyway, I miss him terribly but I know he is being well cared for and when I get back, lots of treats and kisses!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and got to spend time with the ones you love.
Happy Holidays
~Liv & Dayton
I enjoy reading your articles, it is good to see people have fun while being around horses. Keep up the good work!