Thursday Sept 7, 2017

This past week has been great! I believe Dayton is pretty well settled in and I am loving getting to go see him whenever I can. It is so cute and makes me so happy whenever I walk out to his paddock, I whistle and call to him and he’ll come ambling over and has even knickered at me once.

I was never certain if he really knew who I was over the years… I liked to tell myself and assure myself that the little things he did were a sign of recognition, but I never knew for sure. Now though, it has been more than obvious he knows exactly who I am and what I mean to him. It’s not just the little things anymore but big things that he has shown me to tell me.

When we went through the whole ordeal the first week, he sought me out for comfort and support and in turn offered me comfort and support as well. He responds to my voice, when he hears me coming and calling to him. When I am sitting in his paddock with him, his attention is on me the entire time. He stays near me and we just hang out together and as soon as I get up and say goodbye he’s like “Ok see ya, i’ll go eat now.” It really warms my heart and just validates my feelings for him and that he is meant to be here with me. I couldn’t be happier. Things are going so well.

A couple days ago he was moved into the neighboring paddock with two other horses that he had made friends with over the fence. They are all getting along well and now he has buddies to play and keep busy with. He still hangs out with me when I go to visit, still has that jealous streak if I start to pay too much attention to the other horses haha.

And just last night I took him out and got on him for the first time since moving him out here. I wanted to let him settle in before I asked him to do anything for me. Last night I felt like I just needed to be with him like that and he was totally on board. We just stood together with me on his back, bareback and in a halter and watched the sunset. He was perfect and I can’t wait to start working with him again.

We will start reviewing cues and such soon. He is so smart and so eager to please, I know this is going to be fun for both of us. Each learning how to work together like this as horse and rider.
Will keep ya’ll updated <3